Together we can make the difference! Together we can make the difference! © Carlo Taccari /
EDUCATE 06 August 2015

Educate new generations

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To make the young generations aware of respect for the environment which surrounds us, is a fundamental step to make us realise that we can also, through our habits, do something to take care of it; we are also convinced that school is an integral and basic part of this awareness process.

The bee, its activities and the importance that it covers in the biodiversity therefore becomes the fundamental instrument on which the BUONO Association has built its educational proposals, which develop through three macro-themes: nutrition, ecology and evolution.

School therefore becomes a privileged territory to come in contact with the new generations that through knowing the bee world at 360°, feel an integral part of the ecosystem of which they themselves are part of and for which they are responsible. The diversity of the courses allow us to adapt to the needs of the students of any scholastic institute because speaking about science means speaking about our surroundings, our environment and about the capacity conservation has to improve the quality of life of all the biological systems. For this reason, the educational courses offer the possibility of making agreements with the teachers, other than classroom lessons also visits to the Oasi LIPU of Castel di Guido, chosen for the position of the apiary BUONO.

To observe the environment that surrounds us and know the mechanisms that regulate it, to understand that each one of us is a fundamental part of this system and can contribute to its improvement, these are the objectives we would like to reach, and the wonderful and complex world of the bees permits us to do it.


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Last modified on 08 March 2017
Valeria Pasqualini

Nata a Roma nel 1982, biologa evoluzionista, ha conseguito un master in Conservazione della Biodiversità ed un dottorato di ricerca in Biologia Animale. Ha lavorato come operatore ambientale e divulgatore scientifico presso diverse cooperative che si occupano di educazione ambientale. Insegna matematica e scienze. Si occupa per “BUONO” dell'aspetto didattico e divulgativo.